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Pyhäjoki upper secondary school, commonly known as "yrttis", is an entrepreneurship-focused school. Here, we encourage our students towards the spirit of entrepreneurship - being hands-on, creative, hard working and responsible. This shows in our everyday life in multiple different ways, such as... Read more…

Pyhäjoki Fair

Pyhäjoki Fair is a yearly event organised by the second year students. It is an event which sees visitors from near and far. The fair serves as a "show of skill" of sorts - it is organised completely by the students. The teachers have very little if at all to do with the event. The proceeds from the event are used on the students' study trip. Read more…


Pyhäjoen Kuulumiset Pyhäjoen Kuulumiset on Pyhäjoki Data Oy:n julkaisema, Pyhäjoen lukion oppilaiden toimittama kerran viikossa ilmestyvä ilmaisjakelulehti, joka jaetaan Pyhäjoen kunnan alueelle torstaisin. Pyhäjoen Kuulumisten normaalipainos on 2600 kappaletta, ja se jaetaan jokaiseen talouteen koko Read more…

Contact us

We are located at

Koulutie 8, 86100 Pyhäjoki

Kanslian puhelinnumero

040 3596160
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